Architecture + Interior Design
4 200 sq ft Corner Terrace
Front View along Aroozoo Ave
Side Elevation: New ‘Black Box’ sits atop building form
Side Elevation & Close up of facade
The internal spaces are done in dark and expressive materials. From dark grey marbles to opulent copper mosaics and rustic brick tiles, the interior is both an expression of the client’s taste and an attempt to create a cosy and soothing interior to contrast with its otherwise modernist Architectural external appearance.
The stairs of the old structure are retained in concrete while the new stairway to the attic is in an elegant metal construction. Skylight provides daytime illumination into the deeper parts of the house and transforms the stairways into delightful transitional spaces.
The luxurious master bathroom at the attic floor has a Spacious shower area that looks out to a nice scenic view while allowing for lush vegetation to provide a sense of privacy. The space combines Exposure and Intimacy into a harmonious experience.
MU Architects was approached to undertake a significant renovation project for an aging corner terrace.
After a thorough analysis of the original framework, we chose to retain and fortify the current design, incorporating a new attic extension.
Additionally, we expanded the building envelope of the second floor along the side and rear facades, enhancing both space and functionality.
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The external facade has been meticulously redesigned with the intention of deviating from its initial form. Through the restructuring of facade elements, the building now boasts an elegant assembly of modern volumes. Our recent enhancement includes a luxurious master bedroom nestled on the top floor, contributing to the edifice's modern and refined exterior.
We invested an extensive amount of time into meticulously crafting an assortment of fins with the dual purpose of offering protection from the sun's rays and infusing a lively element into the architectural face of the building.
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The unique and striking shapes embellishing the outside perfectly capture the essence of the renewed layout inside, a connection that is particularly prominent in the constructions found on the second story.
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1st Storey sheltered Side Canopy with laser cut patterned trellis
Dry kitchen
Master Bedroom & Study: A cosy & More rustic aesthetic
Luxurious Master bath with open concept shower area