Architecture + Space planning + Typological studies of Apartment types

1 080 000 sq ft  Masterplan for Urban City Block

Perimeter Open plazas as city Block entrances

Perimeter Open plazas as city Block entrances


In search for a contemporary approach in conceiving the ideal housing designs for the next few decades, we turn to the emerging tech enterprises that have undisputedly captured global attention and usage.

The idea of “sharing” as an enabler for the everyday man to have a widened access to a plethora of resources has lead to numerous successful global tech enterprises. UBER and AIRBNB are 2 of such prominent companies; they enable the everyday man to have access to opportunities and resources that modern society would have otherwise denied them. Through the concept of “sharing”, these tech enterprises allow the everyday man to achieve economic and social mobility to escape the constraints of inflation and economic poverty.



As such, we derived our approach to housing from a simple concept of ‘sharing’. At a simplistic level, our apartments are designed to be shared and rented out.

The meager returns from all forms of rental can help young couples tide through difficult times and facilitate comfortable retirements for the elderly. Families can save up for bigger homes and migrant workers can alleviate their struggle to make sense of living in the big cities. University students can enjoy a vibrant city lifestyle as they go through education. The prudent working class can achieve financial freedom sooner as they pay off their housing bank loans way ahead of schedule. Society in general finds itself on an upward surge of economic mobility.



Our apartment layouts are designed to be easy and convenient to rent. Homeowners need only make minor renovations such as door relocations or door closures to set up their apartments for rental.

Furthermore, our layouts allow for different entries for homeowners and rental tenants. In such a manner, both homeowner and tenant are able to enjoy separation and privacy.


Certain of the larger units we have designed are flexible to different degrees of rental. This allows for the apartments to be tailored for rental situations that accommodate the lifestyle preferences of the homeowners. For an example, elderly couples whose kids have left home to start new families no longer require more than 1 bedroom. They will have the option to rent out all their other bedrooms and still retain their personal space and privacy.



Several of our apartment designs have explored the possibility of upgrading. As the families grow in size and lifestyle requirements, how long can a family live in a smaller home before it gets unbearable to the point they have to move into a larger apartment? Furthermore, how long does it take a growing family with increasing expenditure to accumulate the sufficient economic resources to afford a larger apartment? Instead of asking these questions, our apartments allow for a simple upgrade option that radically increases the size and no. of rooms available to them at a minimal renovation cost.

This approach allows for families to maximize their comfort and resources as they make plans to save and purchase their next home.



As we seek to embrace the concept of “sharing” in the design of the apartment layouts, we have attempted to apply these ideas to the Architecture of these buildings.

The roof-tops of the linear villas become elevation park-like corridors for the entire residents of the city block to enjoy. Spaces in between the various architectural structures of the city block are designed to create interesting vistas and cloistered park like environments.

The base of the tower blocks hold mechanized car parking for the entire city block residents alleviating the need for underground car parking. The gallery block fire escape stairs are part of a larger next work of structures that facilitate access and connectivity throughout the city block.

aerial view

aerial view

city block internal views

city block internal views

housing layouts for different unit types

housing layouts for different unit types

city block concept planning

city block concept planning

city block section

city block section