MU Architects masterplanned the existing site to create 02 similar units that are well spaced from each other and potential neighbours.
Exploiting the differences in terrain, both units are given a basement carpark entry.
The overall massing of each unit is placed in a manner that allows The resultant left over Swimming Pool and garden space to be a luxurious L shape outdoor area that envelopes the 1st storey living, dining and dry kitchen spaces.
The 1st storey is enclosed with full height glass panels. The upper volume of the building that houses all the bedrooms is expressed as a single and continuous Gable End extrusion that is reminiscent of a familiar and domestic shape.
Facades facing the sun are rendered with minimum apertures while the larger fenestrations are orientated on facades facing the pools.
Finally, a double layered metal screen with varying tonality is added as a primary feature on the North South facing elevations.
This Project won the GOLD award for residential Design in the 2013 IAI Asia Pacific Design Awards.