Contact Us

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any project enquiries or are interested in discussing potential collaborations in various project fields with us.

You could contact us via whatsapp, phonecall, email and our contact form.

Whatsapp: +65 9739 6879

T: +65 6536 6148


Our Office


A: E-centre @ Redhill #01-09,

3791 Jalan Bukit Merah Singapore 159471

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday: 930am – 630pm

Weekend & Public Holiday:

By Advance Appointment Only

Facebook: MU Architects

Instagram: MU Architects


Consultation Session

If you wish to book a consultation session with us using the contact form.

Kindly provide us the project information as requested in our below contact form for our prior review.

Please allow us 2 - 3 working days to study your project information before we have the consultation session with you.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Join Us

MU Architects employs design centric individuals that aspire to work on interesting and challenging design projects. In our office, you will work closely with our Principal Architect on each and every project you are assigned with. 

Quality is a priority and the office is focused on providing the best design solution and achieving the most desirable end product. While we are boutique firm, we aspire towards handling projects of increasing scope and design value. As such, we are looking for strong candidates who are eager to grow and willing to take on various challenges.

If you are looking to explore the possibility of joining our team, please don't hesitate to send across your cover letter, resume, and a PDF of your portfolio via email